Wednesday, March 30, 2016

ALL ABOARD! Even Pandora is getting on the "Trump Bashing" Train

So I have an Android phone and it often prompts me to go to one of the apps. In this case, the front screen showed a Pandora Podcast called "Serial".  Podcast? On Pandora? Apparently this podcast was popular before it came to Pandora but what do I know?  I listen to Pandora for music not blather.

So I said OK, I'll give it a shot.  So I open it and what hits me?  Some liberal cunt ranting anti-Trump BS in my earbuds.  DISCONNECT!

Fuck you Pandora for suckering me into listening to that for 20 seconds.  I pay a subscription fee for Pandora so that I don't have to listen to unwanted crap.  I may just pull the plug on that due to this "Serial".  Now I get that Serial is not always political but that was enough.

NBC News Dredges up 25 Year Old Cop Shooting in Order to Keep "Hate White People" Feelings Alive

Guess it was a slow news week that week for NBC News. No new BLM protests to coddle? No new blacks committing crimes and getting shot for it - then twisting the story to make the cops look bad? Guess not.

So they have to dig back to a cop shooting from 1990. Even reading the badly liberal biased version of this, you can tell the cop did what he had to do to keep from getting shot himself.

This obvious liberal propaganda is what will keep this blog going long into the future.

Monday, March 28, 2016

CBS News Joins the "Hillary for President" Bias Machine

This article is a big DUH.  Of course Hitlery Clinton will win the White House.  The liberal biased news is making sure of that.  And what better way than to say betters are betting on it.  The Criminal media Going soft on Hitlery + Going hard on Trump = Win for Hitlery.

Even I can see that and can call that this early on: corrupt Hillary Clinton will be the next president to succeed our current corrupt president.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Google: Opinion Pieces have no Business mixed in with "News"

In the never ending (oh I guess it will end when Donald Trump finally bows out of the race) daily media attacks on Trump, Google is at the forefront since they are 'news aggregator'.  Or is 'agitator' might be a better word.

The latest piece of dirt flying around the liberal news is whether or not Trump should pay for legal fees for the "sucker-puncher" in his rally.  The man who popped a "poor defenseless news person".  So Google News (a collection of liberal agenda pushers) dishes up this pile of garbage and look what sits right in there with news:

"Trump's Assault on Decency"

Yes it is labeled "opinion" but that hardly matters to people who scan the news and don't read the "fine print".  Remember when the New York Times put an opinion piece of their front page?  There was bit of an uproar over that: mostly from conservatives.  Liberals don't care if news is biased - as long as it’s biased in their favor. But even liberal news sources like the Washington Post questioned that move and criticized it.

So listen up Google --  That is wrong.  Knock it off.  Opinion pieces belong in opinion sections, not in the mainstream news.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

CNN Calls Trump a "Bully" Via the Crazy Man who Rushed the Stage - CNN Defends Crazy Man

He only wanted to grab the mike. LOL.  Like that makes it OK to rush the stage of a public figure.  What a liberal turd.

Liberal Media Finds Ways to Stretch Truth and Blame Trump for Violence at his Rallies

Some violent liberal tried to rush the stage and ABC News (one of the worst liberal bias offenders) runs this anti-Trump piece.  It implies that Trump someone knew that video was doctored to make the violent liberal looney look like he was affiliated with ISIS.

And another one of the worst of the worst liberal bias news organization, the Washington Post, insists that Trump has to blame himself for the violent liberals that haunt his rallies.

And the liberal toilet paper LA Times applauds the hate filled muslims and blacks who closed the Chicago rally.  (Never mind that those hateful muslims and blacks are ignoring Trump's constitutional right to peaceful assembly).

The list goes on and on but it will be a miracle if Trump can win the nomination of the GOP much less win a general election.  This is a classic example of how the liberal bias in the media works folks.